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Showing posts from February, 2014

Dealing with discouragement

I've been trying to loose weight for a while. Nothing major, but I do need to loose 10-12 pounds. It's true what "they" say, as you get older it gets MUCH harder to loose weight. Ten years ago I could exercise 15 minutes more a day or skip dessert and the pounds would fall off. Now, it takes disciplined eating, daily exercise and consistent sleep to loose 1 pound per week. Only to watch the scale add it back the following week because I splurged and ate 4 homemade tamales. If you've never eaten a tamale from a craftsman (woman) in South Texas you haven't experienced Tex-Mex glory. So, what do you do when you REALLY tried all week to "be good" and the number on the scale didn't go down the way you expected?" In the past I've done the exact opposite of wisdom, I've treated myself to a decadent dessert or chips & queso. Do you feel the Tex-Mex theme? My new approach is simple. It doesn't cost a dime, isn't spooky spiritu